The White Run Regional Municipal Authority (WRRMA) recognizes that grinder system alarms can happen at the worst possible time. During inclement weather seems to be one of them. We value the safety of our employees and hope that when there is bad weather or poor road conditions, our customers will take this into consideration upon calling our service technicians. If you would be in a situation where you have an alarm, your patience and understanding would be greatly appreciated. All measures will be taken to get to you in a safe and timely manner.

When you have an Alarm:

  • Turn off the breaker in the house breaker panel to the grinder pump
  • Refrain from using water and inform family members in the home of the situation
  • Call the WRRMA office (717) 334-7476 and leave a brief message. Include your name, address and phone number. Someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

With your consideration and help we can get through the storm safely together!